How to Maintain Generation Z in the Workplace

Technology changes so many aspects of our daily lives that with the new rising generation, there is a new way of thinking, working, socializing, and a level of privilege when it comes down to what is worth working for. So what makes Generation Z different? What about their mindset has changed from previous generations? And more importantly, how can you best prepare your workplace for Gen Z?

Financial Security

Generation Z has witnessed many failures in society; severe cuts in educational funding, economic downturns, governmental fractures, and inefficiencies have led them to look for jobs that will give them security in the workplace.

There needs to be a clear set of perks and benefits to working for your company, training, or education at a bargain price to entice these fresh new talented minds. Clear pathways for career progression and a pension plan also attract your Gen Z employees.


Some generations typically present more appetite for risk. Gen Z is not one of them. As previously mentioned, Gen Z has seen many institutional issues and collapses, including the 2008 recession. As such, Gen Z will seek out employers who can provide stability and room for growth.

Gen Z also wants to save money as soon as possible to avoid the hardship of generations that came before them. As a business, you can highlight the importance of stability and showcase long-term plans like investing in skills, workplace programs, and personal development.


Generation Z has grown up on iPad’s, mobile phones, and laptops. Access to tools and automation, information, and guides means they’re not just tech-smart in terms of turning on a computer; they learned to code with online courses, use social media and online sharing platforms, and create content just for fun.

These technologies are a part of Gen Z’s daily life, which means they lean towards jobs that use these skills. Equipping your staff with updated technology and software will support them in their work satisfaction. Encouraging the use of work-based mobile phone applications will diminish the idea that a mobile phone is forbidden, and instead, re-frame it as a useful company tool.


One of the exciting traits that many of Generation Z have is their competitive nature. They understand that getting what they want involves being creative and dedicated. However, Millennials hold the trophy for teamwork. Gen Z is not afraid of some healthy competition to meet their goals.

For your business, this means having a reward and recognition structure in place. This option will allow your business to reward high-quality work, innovation, and effort. Check-ins with your Gen Z staff or giving them opportunities to have conversations about performance are positive ways of fostering good competition habits.

It is always recommended to conduct background checks on employees. Still, you might also consider including drug and health screenings in your background checks to ensure no falsification or misinformation regarding the candidates’ history.

Socially In-Tune

With such frequent exposure to social media, Gen Z is more tuned-in and active regarding social issues. They are more open-minded than many generations before them and expect to see that reflected within the company they choose to work for.

While your company should be making these changes already, if you want to attract and retain Gen Z talent, you must have authentic and honest policies. Support various charities and movements openly, and ensure that your company culture also fosters that open-mindedness.

Gen Z is rising into the business field, and it is time to prepare for how that will change your workforce culture. Each person will manifest their unique point on the spectrum of Gen Z tendencies. Still, in general, you will find that most of Gen Z tend to have at least a measure of these characteristics, which you can learn about and prepare to better harness their strengths within your business.