4 Hiring Myths: Debunked

Do you know what the biggest cost is for a company? No, it’s not the staff—it’s the “wrong staff” that do not fit a company’s values ​​and culture. Costs include loss of productivity and time, costs of hiring and training new employees, and other employees’ morale being adversely affected. 

To avoid working at a place where you don’t fit, it’s imperative to apply to jobs that interest you at companies that value their employees. It can be intimidating to apply to great companies, especially if you feed into common illusions regarding the hiring process. 

If you are qualified for a position, apply! Don’t let outdated mindsets about job loyalty or employer interviews intimidate you. Have confidence in yourself and skillset, regardless of any negative experiences you’ve had when job hunting. Employers want good employees who will do good business for them. Let’s debunk some common hiring myths that discourage great candidates from applying to jobs.

1. Loyalty is Determined by Time at a Job

Many people think that a short stint at a job will look bad on their resume, that they need to stay in a job for a certain amount of time to prove they are loyal to their company. This can be especially intimidating if your employer looks into your employment history, but this way of thinking is not always true! 

Employees who are loyal are often also keen to learn more and to educate themselves further about the work they’re doing. Sometimes this comes in the form of taking a new job that is more challenging or that pushes them to learn. Loyalty can be expressed by having new ideas and creating new ways of solving old problems. 

This kind of loyalty can take a company to a new level, regardless of time spent in a position. It is important, therefore, to focus on hiring people who are motivated to progres, because they work hard to succeed and their productivity is typically unmatched. What else helps determine loyalty?

  • Contributions made to a workplace—how much have you contributed during your time with a company and how has your loyalty mirrored your effect on the company itself? 
  • Attitudes towards tasks—do you handle each task with a can-do attitude or do you find challenges difficult and unimportant?
  • Commitment to the job—are you committed to showing up each day on time and to not shun the occasional overtime? Are you passionate and do you want to continue to help the company thrive?

2. A Poorly Answered Question Will Cost You the Job

In a nutshell, an awful interview might influence an employer’s decision, but a poorly-answered question won’t ruin your chances of getting the job. A lot of good employers understand the nerves behind interviews and can see past the stumbles and stutters; they were once prospective employees being interviewed. 

Additionally interview questions aren’t always directly linked to the skills that you might need in order to take on the job. So, don’t sweat it if your mind goes blank at some point during your interview!

3. The Perfect Candidate Will Always Get the Job

There is no such thing as a perfect candidate. The job will remain open if an employer waits for him or her. Although many potential employees look great on paper, personality and attitude are huge components in an employer’s decision to hire. Finding a perfect candidate may not be possible, but finding someone who is willing to learn and be molded is! 

A job description doesn’t list every attribute an employer is looking for, so let your humility and dedication to the job show.

4. You Have to Meet Every Qualification Listed in the Job Description

Speaking of job descriptions—not only are job descriptions not comprehensive, they also tend to include things that an employer might want but not need. Again, passion is key. If you meet the core qualifications of the job and display a passion for the work you’ll be doing, any potential employer will be impressed.

Although many buy into them, these common myths represent an archaic way of hiring. There is nothing to suggest that this mindset about landing a job is actually true. So, as long as you have the skills, attributes, and credentials on your resume to back you up, you can forget these hiring myths and press forward in getting the job that you want.